LeetCode - Partition List
Problem statement
Given the head
of a linked list and a value x
, partition it such that all nodes less than x come before nodes greater than or equal to x.
You should preserve the original relative order of the nodes in each of the two partitions.
Problem statement taken from: https://leetcode.com/problems/partition-list
Example 1:
Input: head = [1, 4, 3, 2, 5, 2], x = 3
Output: [1, 2, 2, 4, 3, 5]
Example 2:
Input: head = [2, 1], x = 2
Output: [1, 2]
- The number of nodes in the list is in the range [0, 200].
- -100 <= Node.val <= 100
- -200 <= x <= 200
One pass solution
We can solve the problem in a single iteration using two linked lists. Let's jump to the algorithm directly how it works.
- if head == null || head->next == null
- return head
- set smallElements, largeElements = new ListNode()
- set smallerIterator, largerIterator = smallElements, largeElements
- loop while head
- if head->val < x
- smallerIterator->next = head
- smallerIterator = smallerIterator->next
- else
- largerIterator->next = head
- largerIterator = largerIterator->next
- if end
- head = head->next
- while end
- largerIterator->next = null
smallerIterator->next = largeElements->next
- return smallElements->next
The time-complexity of the above approach is O(n), and the space complexity is O(n).
Let's check our algorithm in C++, Golang, and Javascript.
C++ solution
class Solution {
ListNode* partition(ListNode* head, int x) {
if(head == NULL || head->next == NULL) {
return head;
ListNode *smallElements = new ListNode();
ListNode *largeElements = new ListNode();
ListNode *smallerIterator = smallElements;
ListNode *largerIterator = largeElements;
while(head) {
if(head->val < x) {
smallerIterator->next = head;
smallerIterator = smallerIterator->next;
} else {
largerIterator->next = head;
largerIterator = largerIterator->next;
head = head->next;
largerIterator->next = NULL;
smallerIterator->next = largeElements->next;
return smallElements->next;
Golang solution
func partition(head *ListNode, x int) *ListNode {
if head == nil || head.Next == nil {
return head
smallElements, largeElements := &ListNode{}, &ListNode{}
smallerIterator, largerIteractor := smallElements, largeElements
for head != nil {
if head.Val < x {
smallerIterator.Next = head
smallerIterator = smallerIterator.Next
} else {
largerIteractor.Next = head
largerIteractor = largerIteractor.Next
head = head.Next
largerIteractor.Next = nil
smallerIterator.Next = largeElements.Next
return smallElements.Next
Javascript solution
var partition = function(head, x) {
if(head == null || head.next == null) {
return head;
let smallElements = new ListNode(0, null);
let largeElements = new ListNode(0, null);
let smallerIterator = smallElements;
let largerIterator = largeElements;
while(head) {
if(head.val < x) {
smallerIterator.next = head;
smallerIterator = smallerIterator.next;
} else {
largerIterator.next = head;
largerIterator = largerIterator.next;
head = head.next;
largerIterator.next = null;
smallerIterator.next = largeElements.next;
return smallElements.next;
Let's dry-run our algorithm to see how the solution works.
Input: head = [1, 4, 3, 2, 5, 2], x = 3
Step 1: if head == null || head->next == null
head = 1
head->next = 4
Step 2: ListNode *smallElements = new ListNode()
ListNode *largeElements = new ListNode()
ListNode *smallerIterator = smallElements
ListNode *largerIterator = largeElements
Step 3: loop while(head)
head = 1
if head->val < x
1 < 3
smallerIterator->next = head
smallerIterator->next = 1
smallerIterator = smallerIterator->next
= 1
head = head->next
= 4
smallerIterator = 1
largerIterator = nil
Step 4: loop while(head)
head = 4
if head->val < x
4 < 3
largerIterator->next = head
largerIterator->next = 4
largerIterator = largerIterator->next
= 4
head = head->next
= 3
smallerIterator = 1
largerIterator = 4
Step 5: loop while(head)
head = 3
if head->val < x
3 < 3
largerIterator->next = head
largerIterator->next = 3
largerIterator = largerIterator->next
= 3
head = head->next
= 2
smallerIterator = 1
largerIterator = 4 -> 3
Step 6: loop while(head)
head = 2
if head->val < x
2 < 3
smallerIterator->next = head
smallerIterator->next = 2
smallerIterator = smallerIterator->next
= 2
head = head->next
= 5
smallerIterator = 1 -> 2
largerIterator = 4 -> 3
Step 7: loop while(head)
head = 5
if head->val < x
5 < 3
largerIterator->next = head
largerIterator->next = 5
largerIterator = largerIterator->next
= 5
head = head->next
= 2
smallerIterator = 1 -> 2
largerIterator = 4 -> 3 -> 5
Step 8: loop while(head)
head = 2
if head->val < x
2 < 3
smallerIterator->next = head
smallerIterator->next = 2
smallerIterator = smallerIterator->next
= 2
head = head->next
= nil
smallerIterator = 1 -> 2 -> 2
largerIterator = 4 -> 3 -> 5
Step 9: loop while(head)
head = nil
Step 10: largerIterator->next = nil
4 -> 3 -> 5 -> nil
smallerIterator->next = largeElements->next
= 4 -> 3 -> 5 -> nil
so the complete list is
1 -> 2 -> 2 -> 4 -> 3 -> 5 -> nil
Step 11: return smallElements->next
We return the answer as [1, 2, 2, 4, 3, 5].